With today’s news that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) encountered migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border without authorization 1.66 million times in fiscal year (FY) 2021 (a number that rises to 1.73 million when interactions at ports of entry are included), much is being made of the fact that these numbers top the 1.64 million apprehensions that occurred in FY 2000, making this the highest year on record. While there is no doubt that 2021 represents a high one for border arrivals—reflecting both an increase from recent years and diversification of nationalities—this does not necessarily mean that more migrants were intercepted or illicitly entered the country than was the case 21 years ago.


2000年和2021年都以很高的累犯率标记 - 换句话说,被边境巡逻队遇到并转过身的移民试图再次越过(有时是多次)。这意味着,在这两年中,在没有授权的情况下越过边界的170万独特个人少于170万(有关进一步讨论的累犯部分)。此外,在2000财年,未经逮捕而没有被逮捕的情况下成功进入美国的移民人数要比现在高得多,这是一项公制边境巡逻队遭遇报告没有解决的问题。


阅读有关的全文在美墨边境的迁移杰西卡·博尔特(Jessica Bolter)在移民政策研究所。