The Women’s Philanthropy Institute (WPI) today released Women Give 2022: Racial Justice, Gender and Generosity, a new report exploring how gender and demographic factors affected giving to racial justice causes in 2020 (such as Black Lives Matter, Say Her Name).The report finds that a significant portion of the population (42.0%) and nearly half of single women (48.2%) supported the 2020 racial justice protests, but a smaller portion of the population (14.2%) actually donated money in support of racial justice.

妇女给予2022年,这是由比尔·梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation)的赠款资助的,这是第一个探索通过性别镜头探索2020年种族正义运动态度的研究,研究了谁在付出,慷慨和慷慨与慷慨有何关系各种人口统计学变量。该报告发现,单身妇女,黑人家庭,LGBTQ+家庭和年轻家庭对2020年种族正义抗议活动的支持更大,并且更有可能向这些组织捐款。
