经过多年在旧金山安全网诊所担任儿科医生的工作后,Zea Malawa博士认识到,她对黑人和棕色家庭的临床护理通常并没有解决艾滋病的根源。相反,她正在治疗种族主义的社会和健康后果。


In the following conversation with Miya Cain, senior consultant with the mission-driven consulting firm FSG and a partner in the early implementation of Expecting Justice, Malawa discusses the process of centering anti-racism in Expecting Justice’s work and the importance of having anti-racist expertise among the leaders of collective impact efforts, including both the backbone team and initiative’s steering committee. The backbone team, which is dedicated to aligning and coordinating the work of a collaborative, is one of the “five conditions” of collective impact. The backbone team leads the work, in partnership with a steering committee of representatives from across the community who guide and champion the effort more broadly.


阅读有关的全文反种族主义方法Zea Malawa和Miya Cain在Stanford Social Innovation评论中。