2018年,国家风险慈善组织新利润从其社区中汇集了成对的捐助者和社会企业家,以讨论解决社会问题解决的未来。These “unlikely duos” were given thought-provoking questions to respond to and discuss on the spot, and we were able to see where a conversation can go when it’s centered on getting to know another person and her or his perspective, rather than the technical aspects of change-making. Relationships are fundamental to problem-solving, and these duos show us the power of two people from different backgrounds sharing insights and ideas on forward-leaning solutions.

在该视频系列的第四集中,慈善家亨利·麦卡恩(Henry McCance)(名誉主席,格雷洛克合作伙伴)和社会企业家莱拉·阿维拉(Layla Avila)(教育领袖,有色人种)谈论如何改变教育系统。

阅读此个人资料亨利·麦卡恩(Henry McCance)

阅读此个人资料Layla Avila