

·穆勒如何显示当前“帮助世界”的想法充满了扭曲?穆勒是如何重新思考作为一个“帮手?”How can philanthropists and nonprofits use these notes to better serve in their endeavors?



所以…。帮助什么?减少孩子结婚,怀孕,性暴力吗?阻止战争吗?连接人们内心的自我?提高移民的集成?它让我颤抖每当我听到有人说他们想“帮助世界变得更美好”。它不仅必须清楚,我们想帮助为了是可以实现的,这句话本身一样显示负面自我,如果是在一个基座帮助下面的那些。好像别人都跪在地上等着我们的帮助。“所有这些孩子需要上学,医疗的支持. .“我们的帮助总是知道,必须提供。 But who says that where we are is the best place for someone else to be? That the reality in which we live is so good we need to give a piece of it to someone else? When we build schools to children in unfavored parts of the world, we are building the same type of schools we have in our developed countries: places that work to create future market agents, spreading knowledge that will allow children to take jobs and continue the current market economy we have. I don’t know about you but I am not exactly happy with the state of our market economy, and I don’t wish to keep spreading it. I am also not saying that this is not better than what someone else has -I am just removing myself from the role of a know-it-all. There are many possible futures out there, let people find their own, but if possible give them what they need to build it (hopefully they will make it better than the reality we have achieved so we can copy them after). Which leads me to the second point.
